In Loving Memory...

In Loving Memory
Lawrence Dean "Papa" Markowitz

Lawrence “Dean” Markowitz passed away peacefully on November 6, 2013, after an extremely brief, but courageous battle with cancer. He was 62. Dean was surrounded by all his children, grandchildren, siblings, close friends, and both parents at his home in Riverside during this time.

Born in Corona, California on September 7, 1951 to Donald and Anne Markowitz, Dean was a fourth-generation Corona descendant. He attended Norco High School and graduated in 1969.

He enlisted in the US Navy in 1974, and was stationed out of San Diego, California until 1978. Dean then moved back to Riverside and worked for The Feed Mill where he was quite active with the worker’s union. Later he became a mail carrier in Riverside, and befriended all on his mail route. It was in 1999 that Dean was hired by the County of Riverside as a Career Rehabilitation Counselor for Veterans that he embarked on a career that was led by his passion for others.

Known to most as “Papa,” Dean shared his love of God, family, and friends with all he encountered. 

His biggest accomplishment and pride was his family. Amongst his greatest joys was time spent with his grandchildren. Once retired in 2010, Dean devoted himself to spending most his time with his cherished grandchildren, children, and parents, often living out of a suitcase for weeks on end.

Dean was the consummate people person. He loved to socialize and always had an easy smile, a twinkle in his eye, an infectious laugh, and a dance in his step. He was a big flirt and made the ladies swoon, much to the embarrassment of his daughters. Whether you were being charmed by Dean or entertained by one of his stories, there was something special about him that easily attracted people.

His sense of fairness and ability to touch the lives of others in
a profound, meaningful way were hallmarks of his character. Dean’s legacy to his family and friends is treasured, and he will be remembered for the qualities that made him so special: kind, generous, playful, earnest, sentimental, humorous, and the best listener any person could ask for.

Dean is survived by his daughters Carrie, Jennifer, and Andrea; sons Aaron and Brandon; father Donald, mother Anne; siblings Brad, Andrew, and Scott; and grandchildren Ayden, Emily, James, Haley, Meredith, and Tristan.  

There will be a celebration of Dean’s life at 1 p.m. Sunday, November 17, at the West Grand Baptist Church, 709 W. Grand Blvd, Corona, California.