Japandroids @ Velvet Jones ~ April 15, 2013

photo by p. dunkley

Don't We Have Anything To Live For?

“Well of course we do, but till they come true, we’re drinking.” Pretty apropos lyrics for the crowd in attendance at Velvet Jones on a Monday night to see Japandroids, the noise rock duo from Canada.

Japandroids emerged on the scene in 2009 with their debut album, Post-Nothing. With a raw, loud, and reckless sound they came through Santa Barbara a couple years back and blew Muddy Waters away – literally. The music was so palpable I remember my hair moving in the sound. With their second album, Celebration Rock, Japandroids gained popularity and were listed on most of the reputable top album lists of 2012. And their live performance has since upped the ante.

photo by p.dunkley

Known for their loud (have I mentioned loud?) and energetic live performances, Japandroids did not disappoint. The crowd was riotous, dancing and singing along to every song. The boys played mostly songs off their second album, throwing in a few favorites from the first. The highlights for me were “Young Hearts Sparks Fire,” “The Night of Wine & Roses,” and of course, their biggest hit “The House That Heaven Built.” 

I would have preferred to have a longer set in a more intimate setting, like the first Japandroid show I caught. But, alas, with appreciation comes popularity, so I am grateful to catch them on their way up. So until the next show “… we don’t cry for those night to arrive, we yell like hell to the heavens.”