- Lykke Li, Melodies & Desires
For those of you who don’t follow me (and you know who you are!), I
have been on a quest to get to the bottom of the “shift” that was to occur at
the end of 2012. And I got to tell you, I do believe one has occurred… In some.
During November and December I set
out on a solo mission to explore different realms of spirituality to accumulate
a large enough data set to produce a feasible conclusion to the question: “Is
There a Shift Happening?” What I found
was to change me, my experiences, and my view on life completely.
All the
realms I investigated believed that YOU control how you experience the world. If
you are sad, you have chosen to be sad; if you are happy, you have chosen to be
happy. A feeling or thought may arise,
as they will in the human condition, but how you interpret them internally
gives rise to how you will experience them. You assign a negative or positive
meaning to them, which in turns defines your experience and your world.
After much research, I came to the hypothesis: “If there is a shift, then it is the individual’s choice
to shift from negative to positive experiences.” This is a powerful
So that being
said, what to do now? Put the theory into practice, of course.
My endeavor for
the next 6 weeks:
- 40 Day Yoga Challenge – 40 days of yoga, meditation, thoughtful eating, mindfulness, and support group.
- 6 week Buddhist Series: Letting Go of Bad Habits – How to mindfully eliminate attachments.
- 6 weeks of NO FACEBOOK – My personal belief that FB is the devil.
- 6 weeks of only 2 nights “out” per week
This is a
more strict regimen geared toward learning how to better control my mind and how it
processes thoughts so that I can have a more positive experience in life.
Wish me luck!