A Little Help Please!
Festivals can be hard to navigate, but there is one rule of thumb: explore! It’s a festival, bounce around and get out of your comfort zone!
Here are my picks for DAY 1:
Little Indian (Santa Barbara)
Singer Song writer / on the Folk tip
Deets: Thursday, 8:40pm @ Muddy Waters
Sounds like: A young, soulful Fiona Apple or Audra Mae
Cool Factor: On the pulse. A pint-sized girl with lots of attitude and talent just looking for someone to love… or devour. This girl has options.
Phantogram (Saratoga Springs)
Indie Electric Rock Duo (very popular right now)
Deets: Thursday, 10:30pm @ SOhO
Sounds like: A trippier version of The Blow or The Knife
Cool Factor: Bragging rights. A young band on the rise with atmospheric, trip-hop catchy beats in a small venue. Very groovy.
Deer Tick (Providence)
Indie Folk Rock / Blues / On the Country tip (just the tip)
Deets: Thursday, 11:15pm @ Velvet Jones
Sounds like: A countrified Bon Iver
Cool Factor: You were there. They are just freakin’ cool. Gritty, melodic, and real. You feel their pain